Should You Trade with Crypto Bot Options?

If a broker wants to come up with a name that will make it sound suspicious, they could come up with Crypto Bot Options. We see many scams centered around crypto bots and options and combining all of these keywords seems designed to attract as many people as possible who are desperate for crypto trading but won’t demand to see licenses. Crypto Bot Options is indeed suspicious because it has been flagged by the FCA for not having a license and for some questionable practices. 

We Have Found Some Problems with Crypto Bot Options

Crypto Bot Options is unlicensed and is based in Jakarta. It promises its customers daily returns for 5-20%. This is an absurd amount when you consider that most legitimate brokers never promise specific returns, and the average rate is usually 5% annually not daily. In addition, Crypto Bot Options allows its customers to fund their accounts only through cryptocurrency. A lack of payment options isn’t a good sign. 

Red Flags Concerning Crypto Bot Options

  • No license

  • Flagged by the FCA
  • Guaranteed returns
  • Accounts funded only in cryptocurrencies
  • No transparency
  • Negative reviews

What Should You Do If You Have an Account withCrypto Bot Options?

We do not recommend opening an account with Crypto Bot Options. If you do hold an account with this broker, close it right away and ask for a withdrawal of your funds. If the broker will not allow you to retrieve your funds, talk to ChargeBax professionals right away. We will investigate the matter, track down the broker and your funds, and will help you prepare your claim.

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