Report a Scam and File a Capital-Epargne Chargeback

Find out if Capital-Epargne is a Scam and the Steps Required to File a Capital-Epargne Chargeback

Capital-Epargne was identified to be operating under questionable and unethical methods due to their regulatory status and suspicious terms of service. Chargebax recommends that users do not trade with this company and if you are already involved, to contact them right away to cash out your funds. If you have experienced the following with Capital-Epargne, it’s more than likely that you have been tricked or are involved in a scam. We therefore advise that you file a complaint and report a scam against Capital-Epargne as the first step to recover your funds.

Reasons to Suspect Capital-Epargne is Operating a Crypto Scam

  • Capital-Epargne froze your account
  • Capital-Epargne blocked your account
  • You cannot login back into your account
  • Money has been taken out from the account
  • Capital-Epargne doesn’t take your calls
  • Capital-Epargne shut down their website
  • You noticed that Capital-Epargne took money out from your bank account without your permission
  • Capital-Epargne is offering a bonus
  • Capital-Epargne is offering to fund more money into the account after you lost a large sum

How to Report a Scam and File Chargebacks

If you made a payment with your credit or debit card to [Name of Broker] then you qualify to recover your funds with a credit card chargeback.The best chance to successfully recover your funds is to start the chargeback process as soon as possible.

Start by filling in the following form and a representative will contact you to provide you with all the information you need to know in order to get your chargeback started today.

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